Avalanche is live on Arkham!

March 27, 2023

We're pleased to announce that our integration of Avalanche is live on the Arkham Platform!

Arkham Avalanche

Arkham's partnership with Avalanche now enables users to be able to trace transactions on the Avalanche blockchain in ways they never could before. Let's dive into some use-cases.


Arkham brings a suite of unprecedented functionality to Avalanche users, including:

Let’s jump into a few examples of how the Avalanche community can make the best use of Arkham. We wanted to have a look at some of the top incoming and outgoing transactions from a top Avalanche protocol - Benqi Finance - so we made a custom dashboard to display this.


Avalanche users can also use Arkham to track individual wallets. For example, this is the wallet of a top GMX trader. Arkham can show his largest incoming and outgoing transactions to GMX, and can send prompt notifications of new transactions with Arkham Alerts.


Arkham can also be used to analyze a specific wallet's past token holdings and compare them to the present. Check back over a wallet's lifetime to see prior portfolio compositions with our newly released feature Arkham Archive, and compare token performance in a single click.


We're excited to bring Arkham to the Avalanche Community through our partnership with Avalanche. Whether Avalanche users wish to look at token pools, or inspect a single wallet, Arkham provides the tooling appropriate for the job.