Arkham Tags Are Live!

October 20, 2023


Tags are brief explainers of the activities an entity/address has performed on-chain. Now you can tell not only what an entity is, but also what it has done. You can find Tags on an address/entity’s profile page, under their entity name and address label. Addresses can have an unlimited number of tags - check out greenjeff.eth, who has 33 tags explaining their on-chain activities!


Tags will display both an entity’s type, as well as its notable on-chain activity. As part of our dataset on Arkham, entities are grouped by type: e.g., individual, fund, CEX, etc. We’ve made these entity types publicly viewable through Arkham Tags. We’ve also added new tags for addresses that have done interesting things on-chain. As part of our opening tag set, we’ve included actions like:

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