Arkham Intel Exchange

July 10, 2023

Announcing the Arkham Intel Exchange!

Arkham is ready to unveil our latest project - the world’s first on-chain intelligence marketplace. 

The Arkham Intel Exchange is the first of its kind platform to power the intel-to-earn economy - a marketplace connecting people who want to buy and sell intel on any crypto wallet address.

We built the intel exchange after noticing 2 key trends in the on-chain analysis space:

  1. Significant demand for on-chain analysis from traders, investors, journalists, researchers & protocols - and others who lack the time & expertise to build strong proficiency in on-chain analysis, but require clear & detailed analysis of blockchain activity.
  2. The growing number of bright on-chain researchers who participate in our community and others every day. These talented researchers and sleuths currently lack a means by which they can be compensated for their skills, despite possessing unique and useful expertise.

Arkham’s Intel Exchange finally gives these talented researchers a way to monetize their skills, and meets the growing demand for on-chain research in a scalable way - by connecting both sides of the on-chain intelligence economy.


The Intel Exchange uses a bounty mechanism to match buyers and sellers of on-chain intelligence.

Anyone can post a bounty seeking some on-chain information, by locking funds to request information on crypto addresses or entities. These bounties can then be fulfilled by ‘bounty hunters’ - blockchain researchers or sleuths, who will exchange intelligence in return for the payment.

Bounties can comprise requests for address labels & much more. Arkham places no strict limitations on the type of bounties which may be posted, save for a slashing penalty which will be applied to the staked funds in the event of spam submissions, or poor quality bounty responses.

Some hypothetical examples of bounties:

How it Works

Any intel bought or sold on the Intel Exchange is subject to an exclusive 90-day access period, during which only the users who funded the bounties are given access to the intelligence submissions (once they have been verified by Arkham Foundation).

After the 90 days are up, the information is added to the Arkham platform, and granted to Arkham’s wider community. This gives the purchaser time to use the intel while ensuring requested intel is not restricted forever.

Multiple users can contribute to public bounties by locking an equal amount of funds as the original request. This will allow each user funding the bounty access to the data during the 90-day holding period. If the original bounty poster wishes to remain the only Intel recipient, they can try to buyout later users.


Our vision for the Intel Exchange is a decentralized intel-to-earn economy powered by smart contracts, in which any sleuth can earn based on their skills & experience. As such, all transactions on the Arkham Marketplace will take place through smart contracts audited by our partner Quantstamp.

We’re very excited to see what kinds of intel are shared on our platform & where our community takes this. As always, we’re grateful for all of your support. 

Miguel + The Arkham Team